Tuesday, June 16, 2009

First day, first show

June 12, 2009:
The first day of GMP '09-'10 class set off.
Prof A, Prof B and Prof C all together to address us. The cool AC in the conf room after the heat outside in JSR already made a few of us sleepy. Apart from the refreshments during the break, all the Profs took good care that we stay awake!
Prof A tried to explain what we should do during our GMP program. He said, our hearts/souls had already reached a point high up and the body is longing to follow. Through this course we would undertake the journey so our body could reach our heart. True, we were all there to see our dreams reach fruition. He also gave details on the GMP facilities. Yes they are indeed good, perhaps we can post some pics later. Only issue I see are the pigeons on my AC. Their smelly droppings disturbs my dreams quite often and the preparatory classes also ensured that the max I could dream for was only 4-5hrs at night.

Prof B described how XLRI is perfect for academics. It's been there for 60 years and maintained its high standard throughout. He was very happy to state that we'll get one of the best environments for studies here. Coupled with XLRI campus , even JSR city's environment is good; it does not have any theatre :-o. I woke up! He corrected himself slightly, ie any good theatres are not available! I was still awake.

Prof C emphasized the uniqueness of XLRI. He said we could reach the profs anytime without any appointments, even at their residences. He also said he is the person who would sail along with us through all tides. Our questions and doubts were patiently handled by him.

The prep-classes started off, Permutation-Combination, Macroeconomic view, Accounting & Finance etc etc etc.....

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